
Your air conditioner may be one of the most important appliances in your home, especially during the hot summer months. However, it can also be a source of unpleasant smells that can make your home uncomfortable. If you’re facing this issue, we’ve got you covered! In this post, we will discuss the most common bad air conditioner unit smells and how you can remove them.

  1. Musty Odor: One of the most common smells is a musty odor, which usually indicates that mold or mildew is growing inside your AC unit. You can try to remove this smell by cleaning the unit’s evaporator coils, drain pan, and filter. If this doesn’t work, consider calling an HVAC professional to help you remove the mold.
  2. Chemical Odor: If your air conditioner smells like chemicals, it may be due to a refrigerant leak. This is a serious issue, as the leaking gas can cause health hazards. You should turn off your AC unit immediately and call an HVAC professional to inspect it.
  3. Burning Smell: A burning smell can be caused by overheating wiring in your air conditioner. Turn off the AC unit and call an HVAC professional to inspect the electrical wiring. Don’t try to fix the problem yourself, as it can be dangerous.
  4. Rotten Egg Smell: A rotten egg smell usually indicates a gas leak. If you smell this, turn off the AC unit, open the windows and doors and leave the house immediately. Call your gas company or fire department to report the emergency.
  5. Dirty Sock Smell: If you get a musty smell akin to dirty socks when you turn on the AC, it may be caused by a buildup of bacteria on the coils. Regular maintenance like cleaning the coils can prevent this smell from occurring.
  6. Sewage Smell: If your AC smells like sewage, it may be due to a backed-up sewer line or a dry P-trap. The drain line, which is responsible for carrying the condensation out of the unit, can also be a source of the sewage smell. Call your plumber to inspect the line and unclog it if necessary.
  7. Fishy Smell: A smell like dead fish or sewage indicates a buildup of bacteria or mold in the drain pan or condensate line. Cleaning the drain pan and line can help remove the smell, but if the smell persists, it might be a good idea to schedule annual maintenance.
  8. Pet Smell: If you have pets, their dander and hair can collect on your air conditioner’s filter and coils. Change your filter every 30-60 days and clean the coils to counteract this smell.
  9. Cigarette Smoke Smell: If the previous owner was a smoker or if someone in the house is a smoker, the AC may carry a strong cigarette odor. You can try cleaning the unit’s coils and replacing the filter to get rid of this smell.

In conclusion, these are the most common bad smells from air conditioning units and their solutions. These smells can not only make your home uncomfortable, but it can also be hazardous to your health. To get the best results always make sure you keep your air conditioner maintained and serviced regularly. If you’re not comfortable with DIY Installation and Control, you should consider consulting HVAC professionals. Call Mechanical Air at 559-288-6157 today to get rid of the unpleasant smells in your AC!

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