hot sweating heat

As much as we love the scorching summer heat, it can be quite unbearable without the cool relief of an air conditioner. However, just like any other appliance, air conditioners can face problems, and if they’re not repaired timely, it could turn into a bigger issue. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 11 common central air conditioner problems you might face this year and how to fix them. So, let’s dive in!

  1. Refrigerant Leak:

One of the most common problems homeowners face with their air conditioners is a refrigerant leak. This happens when there’s a tear or hole in the coils or the refrigerant lines, resulting in the AC not cooling effectively. It’s crucial to get this repaired immediately as it could further damage your compressor.

  1. Thermostat Malfunction:

A faulty thermostat could be the reason why your home isn’t cooling down correctly. It’s vital to ensure that your thermostat is correctly programmed, and it’s best to call an HVAC professional to handle this problem.

  1. Clogged Drain Line:

The primary function of the drain line is to remove excess moisture. However, if it gets clogged, it could lead to water damage and even mold growth. It’s vital to unclog the drain line to avoid any further damage.

  1. Dirty Air Filters:

Dirty air filters are one of the most common air conditioner problems you’ll face. Blocked air filters will restrict airflow, reducing cooling efficiency and increasing energy consumption, causing your AC to work harder than it needs to. Make sure to replace your air filters every three months or as per your HVAC manufacturer’s instructions.

  1. Blown Fuses:

Fuses help regulate the amount of current flowing through your air conditioner. Fuses can blow when there’s a sudden power surge, causing the AC to shut down. A professional HVAC technician can help replace the blown fuses and reset your central air conditioner.

  1. Squeaky Blower Motors:

A squeaky blower motor is a sign that the motor is wearing off or in need of lubrication. If that’s the case, it could impact the cooling efficiency of your AC or cause compressor failure. It’s important to lubricate your blower motor or opt for a professional tune-up.

  1. Faulty Capacitor:

Capacitors play a significant role in providing power to motors found in air conditioners. When capacitors fail, your AC won’t function properly. A qualified technician can diagnose and replace your capacitor.

  1. Damaged Compressor:

A damaged compressor is an issue that most air conditioning owners would dread. It’s essential to repair the compressor since it’s the main component of your AC unit. If you hear unusual sounds or notice your AC tripping frequently, it could indicate a blown compressor.

  1. Dirty Coils:

Dirty coils will affect the cooling efficiency of your AC unit, cause overall energy consumption to increase and even prevent air from passing through. It’s important to schedule an annual tune-up to ensure your AC coils are cleaned and functioning efficiently.

  1. Faulty Electrical Connections:

Faulty electrical connections could be hazardous and lead to a complete system failure. Always have an HVAC professional perform regular maintenance on your system to avoid short circuits and disconnected wires.

  1. Frozen Condenser Coils:

When the AC’s condenser coils freeze over, it could indicate low refrigerant levels, dirty air filters, or a defective blower motor. Contact a qualified HVAC technician to diagnose the problem and repair the frozen coils.

We hope that the above information prepares you for the most common central air conditioner problems you might face this year. As always, it’s crucial to have a licensed HVAC technician inspect your unit every year to avoid these problems. Mechanical Air is happy to help with any air conditioner issues you may encounter in 2023. Give us a call today, and we’ll be right over!

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