air leaks

Summer is just around the corner, and with it comes the sweltering heat that we all dread. But did you know that the money you spend on keeping your home cool during the summer could be going to waste? If your home has air leaks, you could be losing valuable cool air to the outside. This not only increases your energy bills but also makes your home uncomfortable. This is why it’s important to check for air leaks now, before the hot weather arrives. Mechanical Air can help you with this.

The Department of Energy reports that heating and cooling accounts for more than half of the energy use in a typical U.S. home, making it the largest energy expense for most homes. This means that any small leak in your home can greatly increase your energy bills. By checking for air leaks in your home, you can save a considerable amount of money on your energy bills.

Air leaks can occur in any part of your home- doors, windows, walls, ceilings, and floors. You can easily detect air leaks by holding a lit incense stick near windows, doors, and other places to observe the smoke movement. If the smoke moves horizontally, there could be an air leak in that area. By properly sealing these air leaks, you can ensure that your home stays cool during the summer and warm in the winter, reducing energy waste.

Adding insulation to your attic and walls and installing weather stripping around doors and windows can also help to reduce air leaks. By doing so, you can increase the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems, reduce your energy use, and improve the comfort levels of your home. These small changes in your home can make a big difference in your energy usage and save you money in the long run.

If you’re having trouble finding air leaks or want more expert advice on how to identify them, Mechanical Air is here to help. Our team can assess your home’s HVAC system and help you identify ways to improve its efficiency. We can inspect the insulation of your home’s walls, ceilings, floors, and crawl spaces. We will then provide you with the right measures you can take to make your home more energy-efficient.

Checking for air leaks now, before the summer heat rolls in, can save you a lot of money on your cooling bills. It’s important to focus on sealing air leaks, insulating the attic and walls, and installing weatherstripping around doors and windows. If you need help with checking for and sealing air leaks in your home, Mechanical Air is here to help you. It’s time to make sure your home is optimized to keep your home comfortable, save energy and save money. Call 559-288-6157.

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