vacation ac

Planning a vacation is a thrilling experience, especially when you’re looking forward to a relaxing time away from the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life. However, as a homeowner, it’s important to consider the maintenance and upkeep of your home even while you’re away. One major topic of discussion is whether you should turn your central A/C on or off while on vacation. The answer is somewhat dependent on your personal preferences and your home’s unique needs, but we’re here to provide you with some helpful information to guide your decision.

First and foremost, a primary factor to consider when deciding whether to turn off your A/C is the weather. If you’ll be leaving during a mild weather stretch, you might opt to turn your system off entirely. However, if there’s extreme heat in the forecast, you’ll want to weigh the potential cost savings with the potential issues that could come with turning your A/C off. One major concern is that high temperatures within your home could lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which could cause damage to your property and potential health issues for you and your loved ones.

Another point to consider when deciding whether to turn off your A/C is the length of your absence. If you’re only going away for a weekend or even a week, it might be worth the peace of mind to leave the A/C on a low setting to ensure that no issues arise. However, if you’ll be gone for several weeks or longer, it might be more cost-effective to turn your A/C off entirely. In this case, you’ll want to ensure that you have taken steps to properly store any valuable items that could be sensitive to heat and humidity. Additionally, it might be worth investing in a smart thermostat that will allow you to regulate the temperature of your home remotely.

If you do choose to turn your A/C off while on vacation, it’s important to go through a few steps to prepare your system for the extended period of downtime. One critical step is to change your air filter, which will prevent dust and dirt from building up in your system during your absence. You might also want to consider placing a cover over your outdoor unit to protect it from debris and the elements. Lastly, it’s a good idea to have your system inspected by a professional HVAC service provider like Mechanical Air to ensure that it’s functioning at optimal levels before you turn it back on.


In conclusion, deciding whether to turn your A/C on or off during your vacation requires a bit of thought and consideration. Factors such as the length of your absence, the weather, and the protection of your valuables should all be taken into account. If you do decide to turn your system off, it’s important to properly prepare it before you leave and have it inspected by a professional upon your return. You can trust Mechanical Air to provide you with reliable and high-quality HVAC services to ensure that your A/C system is always functioning at its best, vacation or not. Don’t hesitate to give us a call at 559-288-6157 to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment.

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